It's been 2 Months since my birthday and starting this blog and only one post. Seriously, what the hell?? The problem has not so much been that I haven't been doing cool things. The problem is trying to decide if they are blog worthy and then actually writing about them.
So fresh start here today and I'll write about even the smallest of new to me things even if only a one sentence or one picture post.
I entered the Hot Chocolate 10K which is coming up on January 21. My original intent was to run but several of my friends are walking and I didn't really start training in enough time to run the whole way. Today three of us walked around the lake by our house twice for a total of 4 miles. 6.2 miles should be easy peasy unless we have to walk it in the snow!
This week I also made the decision to get a personal trainer for some advice on designing a better fitness plan. Next Monday at 2:00, I'm meeting up with Caitlin at the YMCA and do just that!
I'm taking those steps out of my comfort zone to meet up with friends (new and old) to walk. I made what is a huge step for me of actually setting up the appointment for a personal training session. I put on those yoga pants today and drove to the gym in the cold and rain for a class. It may be snowing tomorrow but I have every intention of going to Zumba.
I love to lift do be in motion. I'm making the time to do just that.
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